Belt of Truth! This one is my favorite to do first. Not only is it the first one mention in the Bible but I mention truths many times throughout this series. Such an amazing privilege to equip these children at such a young age with truths from the Bible that they can carry with them forever.
A simple construction paper belt, printed emblem and truth tags will give these kiddos a life size Belt of Truth!
Week 1 Supply List:
- Colored selves on butcher paper from Intro
- Printed “Craft – Belt of Truth for drawn selves”
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Glue sticks
- String/ribbon
- Two empty tissues boxes
- Ping pong balls
- Print and cut “Craft – Belt of Truth for drawn selves”
- Make two small holes on side of tissue boxes
- String a piece of string through those holes and make long enough to wrap around child’s waist
Week 2 Supply List:
- Adult extra large shirt or dress
- Adult belt with loops
- Painters tape
- Any color construction paper
- Printed “Craft – Belt of Truth emblem
- Printed “Craft – Life size truth tags”
- “Coloring page – Belt of Truth”
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Glue sticks
- “Game – Truth tags”
- Put a line of tape on the floor
- Cut construction paper in 3 inch strips and staple to make Life-size Belts of Truth
- Print and cut “Craft – Belt of Truth emblem
- Print and cut “Craft – truth tags”
- Make an two extra belts and truths for relay game
- Print and cut “Game – Truth tags”

I would love to be able to print this off
Miss Alyssa
Hi Jennifer! You can print it by using the printing icons under my “Miss Alyssa” signature, or if you sign up for my newsletter you will receive the password to my free resource library where I have all the curriculum in pdf E-books by series!
Cheré Edwards
I am helping with a mission VBS through my church at an apartment complex which has many Hispanic children in a week and we’re using Putting on The Armor of God as one of our themes for the children, and I would very much appreciate being able to get access to any printables from you for this theme.
Thanking you in advance!
Cheré Edwards, Greenville, SC
Member of Berea First Baptist Church
Hi there! Of course, I would be honored to have you use my Armor of God curriculum and printables! It is always free, feel free to check out the blog posts as well as there are many more ideas! I would love to know how it goes for you, praying for your ministry and the VBS!
Chere Edwards
Thanks, Allyssa, I am already making use of downloading printables from your site for next week and
looking forward to having them to help explain Putting on the Armor of God and teaching them to share
His Word with others.
I’m so glad to hear that, I hope the bless you and your ministry! 🙂
Hege Dalhaug
Hi Alyssa!
I am a Norwegian Children’s Director and am always on the lookout for good resources to use in our Sunday school. We are going to learn Ephesians 6:13-18 the next two would want to give the families trough our newsletter and web sight resources for home. Could I translate your free printable in to Norwegian and credit you on it? Blessings Hege Dalhaug.
Of course! Thank you so much for asking, I would be honored to have your church use it!