Mama life

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When you’re a new mama there are many things that you will need for your newborn and nursery, but there are also so many things that make YOUR life easier and more comfortable! As a new mama here are my top 10 things you’ll need, and that I can speak from experience that made my life easier and more comfortable! 🙂

1. Nursing tanks

My number one must have. If you are nursing this makes life so easy, I lived in these (still do!) because I had my babe in summer. This one from Target (not an affiliate link) is my favorite and also made me feel secure in the stomach area because it was snug, but not too snug!

2. Breast pads and/or silicon collection cups

Another must have for a nursing mama. I didn’t think I would need all these but I did! You are supposed to change them once they get moist to help keep the nips dry and happy. I would also suggest the silicon ones too, I wish I would have found them sooner! I was in pain for quite a while, until we worked hard on our latch, so these helped not have any pressure on them. It also catches the milk when you leak! I wouldn’t suggest wearing them at night, wear the padded ones, but they were great for during the day.

3. Pumping bras

Two words. HANDS FREE. Game changer! These were amazing. I’ve literally pumped, walked around, put laundry away…being able to wear this and pump is just amazing. I will say that in the begining this bra wasn’t that comfortable for the nips because of the way the fabric crosses to be able to hold the pump, BUT if you put a breast pad in there you can’t even tell!

4. Comfy chair

GET YO SELF A COMFY CHAIR MAMA! You’re going to be sitting it A.LOT!! I can’t tell you how important this is! My husband really advocated for a comfy glider and I’m so glad he did because I couldn’t even imagine how many hours I would spend sitting and nursing. No matter how you are feeding your baby, having a comfy chair is so worth it. We got this one from Buy Buy Baby (not an affiliate link) after sitting in many chairs!

5. Hakka

Who invented this thing? Genius. I have many frozen bags of just one to two ounces because of this thing (I’ll use for cereal in the future) that could have gone to waste. My girl nursed in football position for quite a while so having this one the side was no biggie. Your boobs are a little confused in the beginning and once one starts they both feel like they gotta let it allll out. So the Hakka catches the other side and helps it not go to waste!

6. Boppy/brest friend

I’m an advocate for both of these for different reasons! Here they are.



Easier to get on

Easier to move for different positions – also a negative because it does move around


Other people could wear it to hold her

Can be used for tummy time and sitting up when ready

Can remove cover for washing

Breast friend:

Lower but has bumps on either side for baby’s head

My girl loved sitting up on it on my lap so I would keep this one so she wasn’t so low when sitting up against me

Pocket – didn’t really use that much

Buckle to help it not move around

Can remove cover for washing

Now if only they could make a combination of these two!! A bobby with a buckle please!

Buy a Boppy here and your Brestfriend here!

Frida underwear

Oh my these things were COMFY. Get yourself and thank me later! Pads fit in them great as well.

Waffle seat cover

The donut type seats hurt me worse, so my sis got me something similar to this and it made sitting on hard surfaces doable. I would even put it on soft surfaces to make it even more soft.


You will be hungry! You are burning lots of calories breastfeeding, shaking formula bottles, healing, changing diapers, being up in the middle of night, walking around…so find those healthy snacks (or don’t!) and eat away! I enjoyed these lactation cookies and liked knowing they were helping me produce milk too!

Old clothes

I go through my closet often and the last time I did before I gave birth I kept some old tanks, undies, and t-shirts and I’m so glad I did! It’s so nice to wear something you don’t care if you get stuff on. I would wear them to bed, at night is when I leaked the most, or you’re so tired you don’t even know you got other baby stuff on you throughout the night! Keep those old clothes for days and nights at home!

I hope these suggestions allow you to feel your best self Mama as you love your little or littles! Remember, you are beautiful and God has given you your littles to love on, He will give you the strength!

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  • Michelle

    YES! Agree with all these things. I didn’t like the donut pillows either so I’ll have to try to waffle pillow next time (why are they all named after breakfast foods? just noticed that 🙂 ). And loved those little lactation bites!

    • Miss Alyssa

      That’s so true, they are named after breakfast foods! I wonder if they have a pancake pillow?! We could call just a normal seat cushion that I guess 😉 Glad I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like the donut pillow, people looked at me like I was crazy when I said it wasn’t comfortable for me! Thanks for reading 🙂

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