Breastplate. Righteousness. Two pretty large words for little minds but these next two weeks we get to breakdown what they mean! The breastplate protects our heart and vital organs, I would say it’s pretty important! I love the idea of hiding the truths we learned from last in our hearts and having the breastplate protect our hearts and those truths from the lies of this world.
Righteousness is goodness. Only Jesus was perfectly good and sinless, because He died on the cross for us, God sees us through Jesus’ eyes. He only sees us through the eyes of righteousness, we are good in His sight even though we are sinners. Because of that truth we have the power to make good and kind choices! I try to stay away from encouraging children to “be good,” rather I encourage them to make good and kind choices because God sees us as good/righteous. I remind them they have the power to decide to make a good choice!
Have fun!
Week 1 Supply list:
- Two medium-large paper hearts
- Bowl or cup of water
- Tin foil
- Oreos
- Breastplate of Righteousness for drawn selves
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Plastic cups
- Mini hearts
- Straws
- Coloring page
- Cut two paper hearts
- Print and cut “Craft – Breastplate of Righteousness” for drawn selves
- Cut mini hearts to fit under a cup
- Print “Breastplate of Righteousness” coloring page
Week 2 Supply list:
- Child sized Breastplate of Righteousness
- Yogurt covered raisins
- “Righteousness” word
- Stickers/foam stickers
- Crosses
- Left over truths from previous weeks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Make life size Breastplate of Righteousness made of cardboard
- Print and cut “Craft – Righteousness word” for life size Breastplate of Righteousness

I think this is really neat what you’re doing here! Thank you so much for sharing. Teaching little children about God is so wonderfully rewarding!!
Miss Alyssa
Thank you so much! It sure is!