Genesis 1:3
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In the beginning, God didn’t show off all of His world-making skills on day one. He simply spoke and created light because the world was full of darkness. Do you realize that God spoke and created light . . . before there was a sun!? Because HE is LIGHT. When I was writing this curriculum, that profound thought hit me so hard I was seeing stars! Or light! How incredible! We get to teach children about an awe-mazing God who simply speaks light into darkness; and He still does today! Through His Son, Jesus, we have light in us and we are the light in this dark world. What a fun, inspiring thought to begin this adventure.
When coloring the light pieces, encourage children to not only use yellow but to color light what they think it looks like! They will come up with the most creative light pieces.
Week 1 Supply List:
- Oreos
- Black construction paper
- Yellow construction paper
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring page – Day 1
- 1/2 poster board with a giant #1
- Light pieces
- Cut yellow construction pieces into 1 inch or smaller pieces (other option is do strips and have them rip them into pieces – fine motor skills for the win!)
- Print “Coloring page – Day 1”
- Write #1 on a poster board
- Print and cut “Poster – light pieces” (but don’t glue until AFTER kids color)
Week 2 Supply List:
- Flash light
- Chocolate chip cookies
- White thin paper plates
- Brass fasteners
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring pages – Cover page and Day 1
- Completed Day 1 poster board
- Glue colored light pieces onto poster board
- Make or buy chocolate chip cookies (could even make WITH kids!)
- Cut half of the paper plates in half
- Use brass fastener to fasten half of a paper plate to whole paper plate

I started my Sunday school littles on this and they are loving it! They are K thru 3rd grade and it’s so easy for them to understand. They have so much fun with it and they look forward to each week. They can’t wait to finish it so they can show their parents the books.
Miss Alyssa
Hillary, thank you for sharing how much your littles are loving the lessons! I love how excited they are to show their parents, I pray their parents love hearing how much fun they are having each week! May God bless your teachings!