Genesis 1:14
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This day, God continued to keep His guarantee that He would provide light in darkness. He created one GIANT light for us and plenty more smaller planets to reflect that light. He created the galaxy full of stars and planets each one different than the next, all rotating in unison around the sun. Even when we can’t see the sun on our side of the earth we still are receiving its light through the reflection of the stars and moon. When we are in a complete shadow we receive a light in the darkness by our amazing Creator.
Have fun with Day 4! Trace your shadows from the sun with chalk, go for an evening walk and lay on the sidewalk or grass (away from lights of course) to look up to see the amazing stars, keep track of the moon phases and different shapes. God created the sun, moon and stars for us to enjoy!
Week 1 Supply list:
- Ritz Crackers
- Yellow cheese in a block
- Orange and yellow tissue paper
- Paper plates
- Glue sticks
- String
- Hole punch
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring page – Day 4
- 1/2 poster board with a giant #4
- Sun, moon & stars pieces
- Cut cheese into triangles
- Cut tissue paper into 1 inch squares
- Hole punch top of plate
- Cut string and string through hole
- Print “Coloring page – Day 4”
- Write #4 on poster board
- Print and cut “Poster – sun, moon & stars pieces” (but don’t glue until AFTER kids color)
Week 2 Supply list:
- Oreos
- Pipe cleaners
- Beads (**not suitable for younger children)
- Glow in the dark beads are super fun too 🙂
- **For younger children have them put pipe cleaners through a strainer and talk about the many stars in the sky
- Bowls/containers for beads
- Full page moon and stars print out (B&W or colored)
- Star stickers
- Coloring pages – Cover page, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, & Day 4
- Completed Day 4 poster board
- Glue colored sun, moon and stars pieces onto poster board
- Cut pipe cleaners in half
- Wrap 2-4 together in their middles to make “stars”
- Put beads in bowls (**not suitable for younger children)
- Print “Game – B&W OR colored moon and stars (could even have students color and then use for game)
- Tape moon and stars to ground