Genesis 1:20
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Day 5! Fish and birds, swimming things and flying things. I have a fascination with the ocean. The depth of it, the mystery of it, the many many creatures within it. I LOVE looking at the ocean, being in the ocean, sitting by the ocean, boating on the ocean, watching shows about the ocean (SHARK WEEK is my favorite week), you get the point! God didn’t have to fill the ocean with amazing creatures, but He chose to, and we get to spend a life time discovering and appreciating those creatures!
Now most of my favorite animals are found in the ocean, but if I could be any animal it would be a bird. I’ve always wanted to fly, and travel whenever, wherever by the air under my own wings!
Birds are mention many times in the Bible, we will cover two verses in our lesson series but in multiple verses God mentions that we are more valuable to Him than birds. At first that may not seem like much of a compliment but He is saying that He takes care of the birds, they don’t have storage of worms or even a house during winter in certain areas…but He takes care of them day to day. And how much MORE valuable are we that He would take care of OUR needs too. Everyday. All day. So next time you see a little hummingbird getting some nectar from one of your flowers, let it be a reminder that God provided for that sweet bird and He will provide for you!
Have an exciting time with Day 5! Read some children’s stories with fish in them, go on bird walk to find as many birds as you can, or maybe even set up a bird bath or bird feeder in your yard.
Week 1 Supply list:
- Goldfish
- White thin paper plates
- Brass fasteners
- Whale pieces
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Blue poster board
- Whale pieces
- Blindfold
- Coloring page – Day 5
- 1/2 poster board with giant #5
- Bird pieces
- Cut half of paper plates in half
- Use brass fastener to fasten half of paper plate to whole paper plate
- Print and cut “Craft & Game – Whale pieces”
- Put up blue poster board at eye level for children
- Print “Coloring page – Day 5”
- Write a giant number 5 on poster board
- Print and cut “Poster – bird pieces” (but don’t glue until AFTER kids color)
Week 2 Supply list:
- Cheerios
- Cheese block
- Paper plates
- White construction paper
- Scissors – for adults only to use
- Feathers
- White tissue paper
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring page – Cover page, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5
- Completed Day 5 poster board
- Glue colored birds onto poster board
- Cut cheese into squares
- Cut all paper plates in half
- Be prepared to trace kids hands and cut during craft time, or have one you trace and cut all paper hands out ahead of time
- Cut white tissue paper into 1 inch squares

Mary Sorensen Holt
Did you know that you can purchase the blank Color Wonder Sheets and print your own coloring pages onto them? The children can use the Color Wonder markers onto your own Bible story coloring pages. The ink will smear a little bit, but all in all it works fine.
Miss Alyssa
I did not know that, that could be so fun! Thanks for sharing, Mary!