Genesis 1:27
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TODAY IS THE DAY! On Day 6 of Creation God went creative crazy and filled the earth with the immense amounts of animals and began to put humans on Earth! As a creative person myself, I like to imagine how much fun God had on this day! I look at all the crazy animals and imagine God saying, “I’m going to combine the marking of a zebra, body of a horse, neck and face of a giraffe and make a new animal!” Can you guess it? An Okapi is what we call that animal nowadays!
But I think God had EVEN more fun creating us. The uniqueness of facial features and the differences of personalities, the options were endless. I love the fact that even though we are all so different, we are still ALL made in HIS image! A crazy concept to wrap my head around but I love it!
Have so much fun with this day! Repetition is key, anytime throughout the day you can bring up the idea that God created you or you’re made in God’s image, do it!
On Week 2, I mention a Mr. Potato head toy. I know those can be few and far between in recent days (much less having all the pieces!) so another option is to have a large piece of paper with the start of a body and have each child take a turn drawing to add a piece of the body.
Week 1 Supply List:
- Animal Crackers
- Brown paper bags
- Animal faces
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Animal Charades
- Coloring page – Day 6
- 1/2 poster board with giant #6
- Animal pieces
- Cut out animal faces to fit on brown paper bags
- Print “Coloring page – Day 6”
- Print out animal pictures for charades
- Put animal pictures in a brown bag
- Write a giant #6 on poster board
- Print and cut “Poster – animal pieces”
Week 2 Supply List:
- “Mr. Potato Head” toy
- Animal crackers or gold fish
- Large roll of white paper
- Extra animal pieces
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring page – Cover page, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6
- Completed Day 6 poster board
- Glue animal pieces on poster board
- Find a Mr. Potato Head toy
- Be prepared to trace children on large white roll of paper
- Have a large space available to play “Duck Duck Animal”
