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I have a series that I’m hoping to have up for next year’s Easter! It’s a 6 week series, 4 weeks leading up to Easter, a Palm Sunday lesson and then Easter Sunday lesson!
Until then here are some great and simple Easter ideas for your Sunday mornings or for the week leading up to Easter for your home or preschool.
Resurrection Eggs
I used these in multiple ministries and looking forward to using them for my own children! These are fun objects for the littles to have tangible things to hold that go along with the Easter story. It comes with a booklet for an easy to read story and tells you which egg to open! I highly recommend this set!
A fun Easter snack

Cut a donut in half, and add a donut hole (or small slice of donut seen here) and you have the tomb and stone! A fun little snack to help represent the empty tomb on Easter morning.
“He Lives” beaded bracelet craft
This is a fun craft (for older kiddos!) and takes up some time because they have to string the beads themselves. Then they can wear it and remind themselves that Jesus lives!
When I do stringed crafts I tape one end of the string to the table for easy stringing. Also, put out bowls for beads!
Cross craft
This is a fun mosaic/stain glass looking craft! They can hang in up in a window at home to remind them that “He lives!”
Scratch off Crosses
I hope these few ideas help you plan your Easter Sunday!