Ohh, yes. Light. Such a visible thing that we can see! I love this metaphor and there are so many amazing examples of light in the Bible. I love the fact that God created light before there was an earthly source for it, aka the sun! HE is the light. So when Jesus calls himself the “Light of this World,” He is saying that He is the source for the spiritual, and physical, light in our world!
I enjoy emphasizing the fact that if we have Jesus in our hearts, WE have the light inside us! We get to shine that light. A fun song to sing would be, “This Little Light of Mine!” Such a classic song 🙂
The scratch off art for Week 1 is meant to allow kids to see that the light (color) shines through a dark world!
Week 1 Supply list:
- I AM rhyme
- Flashlight
- String cheese
- Scratch off paper
- Toothpicks
- Song for freeze dance
- Make sure to have enough toothpicks for scratch off paper, they may break!
Week 2 Supply list:
- I AM rhyme
- Stick pretzels
- Marshmallows
- Construction paper
- Tape
- Stickers
- Coloring page
- Necklace glow sticks
- Large jars or cups
- Cut construction paper to make lanterns
- Print “I AM the light of the world coloring page”
- Put glow stick necklaces together