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These are a few of my must haves from Amazon, in no particular order! I used them mostly for Sundays in the Children’s Ministry for crafts and games but they would be great for your home or school as well!
Foam Stickers
Foam stickers are so fun! They can make any lesson’s craft extra special. I loved having these on hand.
A few tips!
- They require extra time because the backs need to be peeled off, which is great when you need some time taken up!
- Really littles (like 2 and under) probably can’t handle these stickers.
- Have a bowl for the backing paper and show littles how to put the paper in the bowl after they peel it off
- Encourage littles to ONLY put these stickers on their craft or coloring page. These are NOT fun to peel off surfaces!
Construction paper
I love using construction paper. It can be used for ANYTHING. Really. I use mostly construction paper for the Armor of God crafts!
It’s also fun and convenient to have on hand for free drawing or making cards!
Jesus stickers
What kiddo doesn’t love stickers? And what teacher doesn’t love Jesus based stickers?
These are such fun stickers to have on hand for crafts! I include stickers often in my supply lists for lessons, these are a must!
Roll of white craft paper
This rolled white paper is a fun way to draw and I enjoyed using if for crafts! You can roll it out for a collaborative mural or cut big pieces for self portraits! I used this for the craft in both the Creation series, for a self portrait on Day 6 and the Armor of God series for the traced selves!
Bean bags
These bean bags are an easy activity and can be used for so many different games! I use them often in my Bible lessons!
Popscile sticks
Popsicle sticks
These are great for crafts! Can also be used for names to draw out of a cup, counting, building, all sorts of things!
What are some of your must haves from Amazon for your ministry, home or preschool!? Let me know in the comments below!