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As a new mama I felt really overwhelmed with all the things I would need for our babe. I am thankful for the advice I received, and I’m sure you’ve received plenty as well. After a few months with a newborn, here are 10 things that I would personally call, “must haves,” for a new baby! I hope at least one, or more, helps your transition into life with a new baby as it did for us!
1. New born lounger
One of the toughest things about a baby is where to put them when they aren’t eating, sleeping or getting their diaper changed! Our little one was super observant and loved to look around, and didn’t need to be held all the time! We were able to put our lounger everywhere we were (with supervision!) and it was thee best. I liked how it was more mobile than a swing (plus she didn’t really like the swing) and we also took it to places we knew we could let her lounge. This was also great to help her digest because she wasn’t flat on her back. Unfortunately, the official new born lounger we received (and LOVED) was recalled so I won’t recommended a certain one (because I only recommend products I’ve tried). I suggest finding one and giving it a try, it will be worth it!
2. Muslin blankets
Okay, so I was totally THAT mom (still am). My baby got a new blanket everyday. But hear me out! She was born in summer so she got sweaty, we got sweaty, it was in her carseat, it became a burp cloth, and a wipe-up-any-other-bodily-fluid-cloth too. So she got a new one everyday. Having multiples of these was a game changer, they are so breathable but soft! We also swaddled her in these for awhile, she loved having her feet out so we would focus on just her arms. But then she started kicking her feet up and then we had to switch to an actual swaddle because it would slowly make it’s way up to her neck, ah!
3. Small diaper bag
We LOVE this diaper backpack with a built in bassinet. But in the beginning I wish I would have had just a smaller bag to put just the few items we needed in. IF you actually get out of the house with a newborn you won’t need much. A couple diapers, wipes, changing pad and a onesie or two. If your breastfeeding maybe a cover, and if you need bottle and formula, that too! We lugged around our big backpack when we didn’t need too. If you feel like you need more stuff, leave it in the car!
4. Onesies
If you buy just generic onesies, you don’t feel bad throwing it away if you have a blow out!
I am way to lazy for new born pants. Let me tell ya…they are so difficult to get on with their little legs! Plus our little one was born in summer in Cali, with no air conditioning. . . so she lived in onesies. I would have had her in just a diaper but I can’t stand the feeling of picking up a sweaty half naked newborn! Stick to the onsesies!
5. Sound machine
The HATCH is thee best sound machine. My cousin raved about it and I continue to see nothing but good things about it. We upgraded to the one with the clock, it has many other gagdets that we have yet or won’t use but the clock for me was a game changer! I have a whole blog post about my love for the Hatch here – including some tips and tricks!
6. Stroller
I can’t tell you how many stroller videos we watched, but now YOU don’t have to! This Graco combo is by far the best purchase we made that’s mobile (we love our mini crib). It works with her carseat, it folds up with one hand, it’s pretty light, it fits in both our trunks, and it is soooo smooth. The ONLY thing I wish was different is the cup holder, but I will settle for that for the amazing-ness of everything else.
7. Carrier
My girl did not liked to be in a carrier unless she was ready to sleep (remember she’s observant…) but I would recommend the Solly for new new baby and the Moby carrier for a little older. Once again I did my research and the thing that sold me on the Moby was the front pocket because I live in yoga pants and those things don’t have pockets! Plus, it’s pretty comfy so that’s a win, and you can adjust the seat part for your child’s age.
8. Pacifier/bottle
I received welcome boxes when I signed up for registries so I went ahead and tried out a bottle from them. We tried out and stuck with the MAM bottle. I liked how the nipple was shaped more similar to a breastfeeding nipple, and it self cleans itself! She took to it right away so we didn’t bother with any other ones but I’m sold. Same with the pacifier, we were gifted these common ones and I was sure she would love them but she wasn’t a big fan. We then tried the MAM and she liked that better. But she’s not a huge fan of pacifiers in general, she’s going to be a thumb or finger sucker!
9. Bath flower
People either love or hate this! And I get it, using this with a floppy new born is no fun, but you’re going to have the same problem with a baby bathtub! So here me out, here’s what we did. I showered with our newborn for awhile (after her umbilical cord completely fell off), but we also gave her sponge baths like they do in the hospital while holding her, and this was handy to have on the counter to be able to lay her on before or after the bath (with supervision and never take your hand off your newborn). Then when she got a little stronger we would put her in the sink in this. You can adjust it so that she is slightly sitting up, but always keep your hands on your baby and never leave them in the sink alone. This was really our only option for our sink size and she still loves it (4 months old while writing this). We then hung it in the shower to dry, and it also washes and dries well in the washer/dryer.
10. Milestone blanket
I chose this one because her nursery theme is roses!
I personally think this is a must!!! Babies grow and change SO fast. I cried the other day looking at newborn pictures because I already forgot what she looked like. Having a once a month picture in the same position is so fun to look back on. I take a picture of her with a cute demin outfit on and also with just a diaper so you can really see all the rolls!
I hope this list helps you, new or future mama, know what to purchase! I pray it helps you feel a little less overwhelmed as well.
Already have your baby? What were some of your must haves for your newborn? I would love to know! Comment below and let me know!

This is a great must-haves list! Muslin blankets are the best. My girls are 4 and 7 and they still like using the muslin blankets! Also, great suggestion about using a combo stroller. It makes is so easy when going out- pop the carseat into the stroller and then back into the car without having to disturb (a sometimes sleeping) baby.
Miss Alyssa
Thanks, Carrie! Aww that’s sweet, I know they can be used for a long time and imagine my little one even using them for her dolls in the future! Yes, the combo stroller has bee a game changer! My babe would sleep often in her carseat so the pop in and out was really nice!