Welcome to what I’m calling the, Prayer Series!
This prayer series isn’t to teach kiddos about prayer, but rather FOR you to pray for your kiddos.
I know what it’s like to be a Children’s Director AND also a Teacher and how sometimes prayer can be the last thing on your mind when you’re prepping for Sunday, getting ready for a VBS, lesson planning, teaching etc. Unfortunately, the thing that is MOST important (prayer) gets put on the back burner when some many physical things need to get done, like now!
So I wanted to take a couple of weeks and refocus on the most important aspect of our job. We get to PRAY for the children we teach. We get to pray for their salvation, for their hearts, for the truth to stay in their hearts, their families, and so many other things!
We may only get to be with them for an hour and fifteen minutes on a Sunday, but we can pray for the anytime, all the time! What a gift that we get to pray for them!
As a new parent I also forget to pray for my daughter! We’ve been trying to make a habit of praying over her every night, and I try and read the daily verse of the day story to her each morning, but she’s only 4 months old and there goes a day here and there that I think, “How did I just spend a whole day with her and forget to pray for and over her?!” Sad!
I know God knows our hearts, and with or without prayers He’s got our kiddos, but how special and what a gift, that we get to pray to a God that loves our kiddos more than we do!
For this prayer series I’ve come up with 2 acronym (can you tell I love them?) to help us remember to pray!
Prayers for kiddos the acronym is H.E.A.R.T. and for us the acronym is P.R.A.Y.
H – Hearts
E – Eternity
A – Ability
R – Righteousness
T – Truth
P – Patience
R – Read
A – Ability
Y – Yield
Throughout the next few weeks will we take a letter from each acronym and pray pray pray for the littles on our lives!

Papa John
What a great idea. I will be praying for you my children and their children. Thanks for the guidance!
Love you!
Miss Alyssa
Thank you for your prayers!!