• Armor of God

    Breastplate of Righteousness

    Breastplate. Righteousness. Two pretty large words for little minds but these next two weeks we get to breakdown what they mean! The breastplate protects our heart and vital organs, I would say it's pretty important! I love the idea of hiding the truths we learned from last in our hearts and having the breastplate protect our hearts and those truths from the lies of this world.

  • Armor of God

    Shield of Faith

    Faith. It's all about believing in what we cannot see. Childlikeness is all about believing in what they can't see. Santa, Tooth Fairy, and the Easter bunny. How fun that we get to introduce the ONE that matters when it comes to faith, Jesus! Although we cannot see him we can trust completely IN him and ON him.

  • Armor of God

    Belt of Truth

    Belt of Truth! This one is my favorite to do first. Not only is it the first one mention in the Bible but I mention truths many times throughout this series. Such an amazing privilege to equip this children at such a young age with truths from the Bible that they can carry with them forever.