Genesis 2:2
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REST DAY! I know as an adult this seems glorious and we really don’t understand the need to rest and why God did it in the first place . . . until we are adults. BUT for kiddos we can begin introducing the concept of why rest is important. Also, I think their parents will thank us as we support their child’s “rest” daily!
In these two weeks I mention a song and a movie. You know your group of kiddos best, so I didn’t mention a specific one for either, leaving it up to your discretion. If you have a worship song you sing every week, do that one! Or if you know they can handle (or not handle) a certain movie, you decide!
****YOU WILL HAVE KIDS WHO DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE OR SIT STILL**** We are talking about younger kiddos here, so we have to go into with the expectation that 90% will move on to the next thing, 5 minutes in!
So this is a great time to have those extra craft supplies, poster pieces, plates, coloring pages, etc. to let those kids go crazy and use up. I would always have trains, blocks and even legos out during the movie, as well. Or bring them out as needed.
And if the movie is a total bust . . . just have fun playing games from previous weeks or just acting like wild animals . . . just kidding. But do have fun, I believe that kiddos rest to a certain degree when they are having fun! It’s such a honor to create such a fun environment for them 🙂
Week 1 Supply List:
- Any extra snacks left over
- Paper plates
- Extra pieces from previous weeks
- Blue tissue paper
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Coloring page – Day 7
- Worship song with specific repeating word
- Cut blue tissue paper into squares
- Print “Coloring page – Day 7”
Week 2 Supply list:
- Goldfish / left over snacks
- Extra crafts from previous weeks
- Glue sticks
- Markers/color pencils/crayons
- Creation coloring pages
- Movie
- Gather extra craft stuff from previous weeks
- Print off all Creation coloring pages
- Put books together
- Choose an age appropriate movie
- Have other activities ready to put out
